WPS Retirement Reception - May 15
2 days ago, Weatherford Public Schools
Free breakfast and lunch for children 18 and under this summer!
5 days ago, Cody Atkinson
summer lunch
Please see the attached form for the Weatherford Volleyball Kids Skills Camp. Forms can be turned in to the Stafford Office. Thanks!
6 days ago, Stafford Elementary
Skills Camp
We are closely monitoring weather reports and want to work with families as they make decisions on what is best for their child. Currently, our plan is to maintain our regular school schedule and dismiss at the normal release time. Students and staff that are at the school will all have a safe place if concerning weather arises. We do understand that some families may prefer to pick up their child early. We also understand that your child may normally ride the bus, but you want to pick them up today. If this is the case, please let our offices know early so that we aren’t making last minute changes. Your child's safety is our top priority and we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our processes efficient and effective during these times. Weatherford Administration Team
9 days ago, Weatherford Public Schools
We're having a hat day on Wednesday, May 8. Please have your student bring $1 to wear a hat. Proceeds benefit SPUD (Student Performing Unselfish Deeds). Thank you!
13 days ago, Stafford Elementary
Due to the HS track meet today, all students who are shuttled to Burcham will need to be picked up on the south side of Pine Acres church at their normal times. Thank you.
22 days ago, Weatherford Public Schools
Save the Date! The 4th grade music program is May 2nd at 6 p.m. at the Weatherford Performing Arts Center.
23 days ago, Stafford Elementary
4th Grade Music Program
State Testing at Stafford is coming up - and we would like to let you know that although this is an important test for our school, your student(s) and their teachers have been preparing all year and THEY ARE READY! The staff is confident that the students will do a great job. These tests are beneficial for our school in that they show us our strengths and also help us to identify where we could improve. Remember: positive, uplifting words will not only encourage your student, but will also help them relax and relieve stress. Thank you for preparing your student to be the best they can be!
26 days ago, Stafford Elementary
State Testing
Please help us support this wonderful person during a very difficult time! Coins can be dropped of in the Stafford office. Thanks for your support!
30 days ago, Stafford Elementary
Coin Drive
πŸ“’ Attention parents of incoming 5th and 6th graders! πŸ“’ Please pre-enroll your child for the 24-25 school year at East Intermediate by filling out the following form: https://forms.gle/mK9Pd1F3XSk7Y13bA Contact East Intermediate at 580-772-5888 if you have any questions!
30 days ago, Stafford Elementary
Reminder: NO SCHOOL Friday, April 12, 2024.
about 1 month ago, Stafford Elementary
Stafford Elementary visited the Stafford Air and Space Museum this week. They had a blast!
about 1 month ago, Doug Gunselman
It's National Assistant Principal Week! Thank you, Mrs. Ard, for your dedication to everyone at Stafford Elementary. We appreciate you so very much!
about 1 month ago, Stafford Elementary
Mrs. Ard
Reminder...Please join us at Lt. General Thomas P. Stafford Elementary on Wednesday, April 3 between 3:45 PM and 5:30 PM for an informal meet-and-greet with Mark Harmon. Mr. Harmon has been selected to serve as superintendent of schools and will begin his tenure on July 1, 2024.
about 1 month ago, Weatherford Public Schools
Join us for a meet-and-greet with our incoming superintendent, Mark Harmon! This event will be held at Stafford Elementary on Wednesday, April 3 from 3:45PM to 5:30 PM. This will be an excellent opportunity for our community to personally greet and welcome Mr. Harmon as he prepares to join our district on July 1, 2024. It is a come-and-go affair, so drop by at your convenience to extend a warm welcome and enjoy some refreshments.
about 1 month ago, Weatherford Public Schools
Meet and greet with Mr. Harmon
Congratulations to Pam VanPaul for being chosen as the Stafford Elementary Volunteer of the Year! Miss Pam selflessly serves our staff and students in many different ways. She is one of the most generous and kind individuals we know and spreads joy and love (and candy!) wherever she goes. Thank you, Pam, for your dedication to our students and staff. We appreciate you!
about 2 months ago, Stafford Elementary
Volunteer of the Year
We are asking all staff and students to wear red, white, and blue on Friday, April 5 to honor the life of Lt. General Thomas P. Stafford. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Wendy Johnson
Red, white, and blue
Please join us at Lt. General Thomas P. Stafford Elementary on Wednesday, April 3 between 3:45 PM and 5:30 PM for an informal meet-and-greet with Mark Harmon. Mr. Harmon has been selected to serve as superintendent of schools and will begin his tenure on July 1, 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity for our staff and community members to connect with our incoming superintendent.
about 2 months ago, Weatherford Public Schools
Meet and Greet new supt.
Reminder: no FROG today!
2 months ago, Wendy Johnson
No FROG today, 3/14/24
Let's Celebrate, in recognition of World Down Syndrome Day πŸ’™πŸ’› We invite everyone to wear their crazy socks to school on Thursday, March 14th!
2 months ago, Wendy Johnson
Crazy Sock Day March 14