Bus Info
Bus Rider Parents! If you want to beat the crowds at enrollment, knock out some important back to school paperwork, AND help our transportation team out, please stop by the administration building at 1409 Cypress this summer . You can fill out your child's bus contract and route/shuttle form ahead of time, saving you time at enrollment when lines can get long. Thank you!
Each student must have a bus form filled out and on file each school year. The forms
are available in the Stafford Elementary office. Please allow 24-hours after
submitting the form for bus approval and route information.
All parents/guardians must sign the Bus Rider Contract as well.
Please make transportation changes to the
Stafford Office no later than 2 p.m.
580-772-3533 or 580-772-7377
Pick Up / Drop Off Info
Please do not drop off your student(s) in the front (west side) before 8:05 a.m.